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Guaranteed Environment-Friendly Solution
Guaranteed Environment-Friendly Solution

 Vacuflow® vacuum sewerage has many benefits comparing to traditional sewerage. It is an easy to maintain and sustainable system. Furthermore it is less expansive and can easily be expanded.

Efficient and sustainable

The Vacuflow® system is a clean and highly efficient system for environmentally acceptable sewerage disposal. Compared to traditional sewerage systems, the construction and installation of a vacuum sewerage system is considerably simpler and cheaper.

In addition, Vacuflow® is easy to maintain. It operates in a leak-proof vacuum network. Because of this, the environment will benefit too. No sewage can escape and pollute surrounding areas.

Vacuflow operating in a leak-proof vacuum network
Vacuflow 63 mm & 90 mm

Vacuflow® applications

Field experts agree that in many applications, the Vacuflow® system is a better and cheaper alternative to conventional sewerage systems. The vacuum system is perfect for a wide range of applications, particularly where expensive and big construction work is to be avoided.

Ideal locations for vacuum sewerage systems are flat areas with high ground water table, sea side areas, environmentally sensitive areas, rocky areas, islands, artificial islands and areas where there is not much space for installation of a sewerage system.

The benefits of a Qua-vac Vacuflow® system

Traditional vs Vacuflow®



Traditional Sewer System - Complex

Numerous lift stations with their high capital cost and maintenance requirements are offset excessive excavation and trenching costs.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System is simple

Non-continuous slope allows shallow trenching to be used resulting in substantial excavation cost savings.

Traditional Sewer System - Environmental Damage

Exfiltration can contaminate the surrounding area. Infiltration is a serious problem resulting in existing treatment becoming hydraulically overloaded and the imposition of compulsory over-sizing of treatment plants under design.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System - No Environmental Damage
No pollution

Absolutely fail-safe – field tested and operated under vacuum conditions. A broken main, at worst, results in infiltration (easily detected) never exfiltration.

Traditional Sewer System - Dewatering

Excavating in areas of high water table is expensive due to complicated and time consuming dewatering and trench stabilization procedures.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System has no dewatering
No dewatering

Eliminating and/or minimizes dewatering and trench stabilization problems.

Traditional Sewer System - Inflexible
Non flexible

Unforeseen obstructions such as water or sewer mains, large rocks, etc. usually result in expensive field changes and line rerouting.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System is flexible

Vertical lift capability allows unforeseen obstructions to be easily passed over, under, or around resulting in minimum delay and eliminating extra costs.

Traditional Sewer System - High Investment
High investment

200 mm up to 400 mm diameter concrete pipe and vitrified clay pipe sewer main are typical with material costs and excessive unit labour costs.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System has low investment
Low investment

90 mm up to 200 mm diameter PVC or HDPE vacuum sewer mains are typical. Labour and materials costs for installing vacuum piping are dramatically lower, compared to gravity sewers, due to labour and trenching costs associated with smaller diameter vacuum main.

Traditional Sewer System - Excavation Risk
Road obstructions

Wide and deep trenches often make roads impossible to pedestrians and vehicular traffic for long periods of time. Damage to trees and landscaping can be severe.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System minimizes environmental disturbances
No road obstructions

Small diameter mains, installed just below frost level allow shallow and narrow trenching thereby minimizing construction time and environmental disturbances.


Traditional Sewer System - Complex

Hoge investerings- en onderhoudskosten, omdat grote aantallen pompputten nodig zijn om grondverzet te verminderen.

Traditional Sewer System - Environmental Damage

Bij vrijverval en perssystemen kan uittreding tot verontreiniging van de bodem en het grondwater leiden.

Traditional Sewer System - Dewatering

De aanleg van een vrijvervalriool in gebieden met een hoge waterstand is duur vanwege gecompliceerde en langdurige bronbemaling en sleufstabilisatie en geeft overlast aan omwonenden.

Traditional Sewer System - Inflexible
Niet flexibel

Onvoorziene obstakels zoals water-, gas- en afvoerleidingen betekenen vaak tracéwijzigingen of aanpassingen van de hoogteligging.

Traditional Sewer System - Excavation Risk

Brede en diepe sleuven maken wegen ontoegankelijk voor voetgangers en autoverkeer en kunnen schade aan bomen toebrengen.

Traditional Sewer System - High Investment
Hoge investering

200 tot 400 mm PVC of betonnen buizen zijn kostbaar in aanschaf en verwerking.


Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System is simple

Een discontinu afschot door middel van het zaagtandprofiel maakt ondiepe aanleg mogelijk en betekent besparing op het grondverzet.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System - No Environmental Damage
Geen milieuschade

Vacuflow® is op lekkages getest en heeft hooguit tot gevolg dat bij een lekkage water intreedt. Er zal echter nooit afvalwater kunnen uittreden.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System has no dewatering
Geen bronbemaling

Vacuflow® elimineert of minimaliseert bronbemaling en sleufstabilisatie.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System is flexible

Een verticale opvoer maakt het mogelijk om onvoorziene obstakels gemakkelijk te ontwijken en geeft geen stagnatie tijdens de aanleg.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System minimizes environmental disturbances
Minder graafrisico

Kleine buisdiameters, net beneden de vorstgrens, maken het graven van smalle ondiepe, sleuven mogelijk. Hierbij worden aanlegkosten en tijd bespaard en milieuschade beperkt.

Vacuflow Vacuum Sewer System has low investment
Lage investering

90 tot 160 mm PVC leidingen zijn gebruikelijk bij het Vacuflow® systeem. De kosten van deze geringe diameters zijn aanzienlijk lager.

Curious about Vacuflow®?

Check the full technical operation and specifications of our Vacuflow® system.

Vaculink sewerage management

Vaculink is the online datatool, that supplies realtime data, 24/7. Online and user friendly!

Qua-vac is globally oriented and has Vacuflow® agents all over the world. Therewith we offer a wide range of design and construction channels in European countries.

Vaculink sewerage management diagram

Casestudy Stadslandsgoed de Kemphaan Almere

“Due to an increase in the number of facilities, the current capacity was no longer sufficient. We opted for vacuum sewerage from Qua-vac, because it fits well in our green sustainable concept. It is quickly installed, relatively simple and has little impact on the environment. ”

– Municipality of Almere

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